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"Dive" object (full)

Contains full data of a dive log entry, including any samples that were recorded during the dive. A full dive object including samples can be of considerable size. Therefore, the use of compression is strongly recommended when requesting or sending Dive objects.

A Dive object contains the following attributes:

Id — not updateable
Unique, numeric identifier of the dive log entry. This identifier is unique across all users. Do not confuse with "DiveNumber"
DiverId — not updateable
Numeric identifier of the Diver
DiveDate — required, not updateable
Date of the dive in YYYY-MM-DD format
InTime — required
Local time at which the dive was started, in hh:mm:ss format (24 hours)
Duration — required, not updateable
Total duration of the dive, in hh:mm:ss format
MaxDepth — required, not updateable if dive contains depth samples
Maximum depth of the dive, in meters (eg. 7.8)
AvgDepth — not updateable if dive contains depth samples
Average depth of the dive, in meters (eg. 5.6)
Textual representation of the location (City/Island/Lake name) of the dive, as entered by the user
Numeric identifier of the location (City/Island/Lake .. name) of the dive. The identifier refers to a "Geoname", as used on geonames.org. This Id is either discovered by dive.io during entering the "Location" field, or can be added directly via the API
Name of the dive site
InPressure — not updateable if dive contains pressure samples
Tank pressure at the start of the dive, in Bar
OutPressure — not updateable if dive contains pressure samples
Tank pressure at the end of the dive, in Bar
Volume of the dive cylinder, in liters
Oxygen percentage in diving gas, eg. '21' for normal air
Abbreviated type of entry: 's' for shore dives, 'b' for boat dives
Abbreviated type of water: 's' for saltwater, 'f' for freshwater dives
Approximate visibility during the dive, in meters
Temperature of the water near the surface in decimal degrees Celsius
Temperature of the water near the bottom of the dive in decimal degrees Celsius
Air temperature before the dive
DiveNumber — not updateable, changes automatically
Number assigned to this dive in Divers logbook
Whether or not to assign a dive number to this dive record. Possible values are "yes" or "no". Other dives are automatically renumbered when a dive is changed.
Notes to this dive, as entered by the Diver. 500 characters maximum length.
Created — not updateable
Timestamp of creating of this log entry, in ISO 8601 format. Created by the server.
Modified — not updateable
Timestamp of last modification of this log entry, in ISO 8601 format. Created by the server.
Buddies — not directly updateable
If the dive record contains buddies, a list of "Buddy" elements is included. Each of those elements has the following elements:
Unique identifier of the buddy record
Name of the buddy
Type (optional)
One of 'buddy', 'instructor', 'diveguide'
Samples — not updateable
If a depth / pressure profile is included in the dive record, this element contains a list of "Sample" elements. Each of those contains the following elements:
Elapsed — required
Time of the sample, in seconds since the start of the dive. Note that the first sample always has "Elasped" set to 0, and its values may be set to 0 as well (Some dive computers do not provide a "0 second" sample
Depth of the dive profile at the given "Elapsed" time in meters.
Pressure of the dive tank at the given "Elapsed" time in bar.

Example (XML)

    <Location>Okrug Gornji</Location>
    <Notes>What a lovely dive!</Notes>
    <Created>2011-03-17 11:00:11.27922+01</Created>
    <Modified>2011-04-20 11:46:32.162026+02</Modified>
      <!-- ... (more samples) -->